Sunday, September 9, 2007

I'd like to welcome comments as to where we think libraries will be in years to come.

We have fantastic technology such as RFID that enables librarians to be on the floor assisting borrowers, but will we still have clients in 2030?

Will we be at the forefront of our own demise?

Are we not encouraging people to stay out of our libraries by offering online reservations/renewals?
Are we not decreasing our own circulation by limiting the amount of additional material that might have been borrowed had the person browsed in the library?

We subscribe to data bases that can accessed from home, we have PC booking systems that don't need staff interaction.

Are we creating the end of the community building and social interaction that is the soul of libraries?

Now, dont get me wrong, I'm all for new technology. I'm also aware that we are are becoming a time poor society that want information, want it fast, and in the most convenient accessible way possible.

But.......... in the thrust to be at core of online information sharing, are we in fact closing our own doors to face to face customer service?